Radiology is a medical specialty that uses different imaging exams (X-ray, ultarsound, CT scan, MRI, etc.) to accomplish the diagnoses of different disorders of any organ system in the human body. Special hospital AGRAM is equipped with the top quality technology providing services of the highest standard in the field of early disease detection.
We are also combining an individual approach to patient with the preventive examinations as a part of cardiovascular disease screening, lung cancer screening (MSCT), abdominal MRI screening and MRI for breast cancer screening.
Another recognised specialty of our hospital is the MSCT coronary angiography, a non-invasive cardiovascular diagnostic method, which we introduced in Croatia and positioned as a centre with the most extensive experience for this procedure in the country and wider region.
Our radiologic department is organised according to the highest technological standards. The services are provided systematically, meaning that specially educated teams of experts engage in diagnostics of certain organic systems e.g. cardiovascular imaging, imaging of the brain and spine, musculoskeletal imaging, imaging of the abdomen and pelvis etc.